What Can You Embrace?

Dr. Becky Lang

November 16, 2019

What Can You Embrace?

It is that time of year: the beginning of November and holiday music is playing in the stores. I was in a store yesterday and “Let it Snow, let it Snow” was playing over the overhead speaker system. Granted, we have already had our first “real” snow with school delays and traffic backups, it is just too early. Maybe I have not accepted the fact that winter and the holiday season is here.

One cold morning this week I was driving to an early morning gathering and was overcome with a sense of acceptance. The word embrace flooded my heart and my body. Embrace this time, this season, this reality.

I don’t know where it came from, however, I was thankful I was in that space. A space of saying, “okay, it feels like winter, so let’s get cozy and embrace this time”. My hot decaf coffee may have facilitated my ability to embrace, I don’t know.

What was interesting, is that immediately I could feel my body relax. There is power in acceptance and embracing what is. What is real, what is true, and what cannot be changed. One thing for sure is that we cannot control the weather.

During this season and weeks before we gather to celebrate the holidays with friends, coworkers and family, what do you want to embrace? When January rolls around, what will you be thankful you were able to embrace? Being intentional about our choices, our days, our lives is powerful and effective. Think ahead. Plan ahead. Embrace the moments. And when we do, may we notice our body relax, tension released, and then we can be open to what is.

Embrace Life

Dr. Becky Lang
Embrace Life

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