Vision / Values
Our vision is to improve health and wellness outcomes through helping individuals take active roles in their own health.
Our goal is to assist individuals to have a more person-centered and compassionate conversation with others: patients, clients, students, family members, coworkers and staff members so they are more engaged and activated.
LifeStrategies is an organization committed to building compassionate communication skills and engagement for enhanced health and wellbeing.
We provide motivational interviewing trainings, tool and tips on compassionate conversations.
In addition, we are also committed to the health and wellbeing of healthcare practitioners. A focus on self-care. We are passionate about equipping individuals to live their best life. To have energy and health to live life fully.
For more than 15 years, we have collaborated with and learned from visionary leaders, key researchers and practitioners in a wide variety of fields to develop strategies, tools and communication skills. To advance our vision of improving health and healthcare, LifeStrategies’ work is focused on these three core values:
• Compassion towards others and self: looking for and seeing the positive in situations.
• Continuous growth and learning : keeping up-to-date with new developments, research and application in various fields.
• Dependable: following through and being committed to the best in each person and each situation.

Dr. Becky Lang
(EdD, RDH, RMCHES, Mint Member)
I have over 35 years of experience in health promotion, working in areas of teaching, clinical practice, public health, consulting, speaking, writing and 15 years of health coaching. I spent 20 years teaching at the University and served as Professor of Kinesiology and Health Promotion. I serve an an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine.
I am the founder of LifeStrategies, LLC, a motivational interviewing and coach training business. In addition, I work as a consultant, trainer, and presenter on motivational interviewing and patient engagement throughout the United States and internationally.
I completed my BS degree in Dental Hygiene at the University of Iowa, my MA degree in Health Education/Promotion at the University of Northern Iowa, and my Doctorate degree from Drake University in Educational Leadership.
certifications & endorsements
Certified Health Coach, Dr. Sears Wellness Institute
Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT Member)
Trained in Motivational Interviewing MITI 4.2.1 Coder
Trained in Brief Action Planning (CCMI)
Master Certified Health Education Specialist (RMCHES)
Dental Hygienist
My favorites
Spending time with family and friends
Snorkeling and walking the beach
Spin class and yoga
Adventure traveling
A note from becky
I can remember the day exactly when I was working with my patient named Jim and he told me had quit smoking. I had been working with Jim for several years trying to “motivate” him to quit smoking. I shared with him how he could quit and all the benefits he would receive from quitting smoking. What I realized much later, that information by itself does not change behavior. Rarely anyway. For Jim, he needed to find his own “why”.I have always been interested in why people do what they do around behavior change. For me, that moment with Jim really brought home the fact that the patient is really in the driver’s seat. They are driving the car. There really is no “one magic key” for all individuals when it comes to change. There were many factors, many determinants that lead into making changes in our lives.This event propelled me to learn more about the components involved in lifestyle change. I continued on my journey to learn more and more while doing my master’s and doctorate research on behavior change. As I continued on this journey of understanding the behavior change process, my focus became more on the health practitioner rather than on the individual. I could see how the practitioner’s style of communication made a difference in the conversation. I began training practitioners to have a more engaging and activating conversation with patients. Practitioners, day after day, told stories of more engaged patients, better health outcomes and less fatigue on the health practitioner of having to come up with all the answers. A winning situation for all.